This Video Explains How Wild Horses Can Save Lives and Thousands and thousands in Taxes from Waste

This Video Explains How Wild Horses Can Save Lives and Thousands and thousands in Taxes from Waste

Wild Horse Fireplace Brigade is a 501-c-3 nonprofit public profit company. Your donations are made simpler by the truth that we’re an all-volunteer group, so each greenback donated goes in direction of advancing our mission, saving wild horses, methods and plans to successfully and naturally save and preserve American wild horses for generations to return.

On the most simple stage, we use highly effective multimedia, images, movies, documentaries, and even a brand new music video to hold the essential message that American wild horses are essential to the very survival of Individuals, our forests, wildlife, watershed, and fisheries, and assist to sequester carbon compounds through their evolutionary mutualisms with all North American wildlife.

This new 1-mnute video powerfully portrays what’s at stake on account of the gross mismanagement of untamed horses by the hands of the Bureau of Land Administration.  This simple and dear mismanagement adversely impacts ALL Individuals in every single place. Please share this video with e-mail lists and on social media.

Contemplate supporting our work and mission to naturally save American wild horses through our plan titled the ‘Pure Wildfire Abatement and Forest Safety Plan’, a.ok.a. Wild Horse Fireplace Brigade.

Please go to for extra info.

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