Fieldwork for 2 tasks | The Invertebrate Collections

Fieldwork for 2 tasks | The Invertebrate Collections

The tasks HypCop (bottom-associated copepods) and Hardbunnsfauna (Invertebrate fauna of marine rocky shallow-water habitats) went on a day-trip to 3 localities final week.

We made the a lot of the sunny and calm climate to go to a really uncovered web site on Sotra, the place we collected within the tide swimming pools and on the barnacle-encrusted intertidal.

Afterwards, we went to 2 marinas, Glesvær and Hjellestad, on a quest for some particular species the tasks had been in want of.

Again within the lab we set to work documenting the colors of the animals by photographing them alive, as the colors are likely to face in fixatives.

It was good day within the subject, and it seems like we discovered the species we had been after!

Comply with us on Twitter and Instagram as @PlanetCopepod and @Hardbunnsfauna

– Jon, Cessa & Katrine


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