Episode 406: Dinosaurs in Alabama with Skye Walker

Episode 406: Dinosaurs in Alabama with Skye Walker

Episode 406: Dinosaurs in Alabama with Skye Walker. Skye joins us to debate fossil preparation, working in collections and science communication.

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Skye Walker, a paleontologist, fossil preparator collections assistant at Auburn College Museum of Pure Historical past, and science communicator. Comply with her on Instagram, twitter, & tiktok @thedinomancer.



The dinosaur of the day: Foraminacephale

  • Pachycephalosaur that lived within the Late Cretaceous in what’s now Canada
  • Appears to be like sort of like Pachycephalosaurus, walked on two legs, had a dome, lengthy tail
  • Small and bipedal
  • Estimated to be 4.9 ft (1.5 m) lengthy and weigh 22 lb (10 kg)
  • Herbivorous
  • Had a thick dome on its cranium
  • Prime of the dome had numerous small pits
  • Bone on the entrance and prime of the top initiatives backwards and downwards over the bottom of the cranium
  • Sort species is Foraminacephale brevis
  • Fossils present in 1902
  • First considered a brand new species of Stegoceras (Stegoceras brevis), by Lawrence Lambe, then later assigned to Prenocephale after which to Sphaerotholus
  • Lawrence Lambe wrote: “As a rule the bones are properly preserved however very fragile, in order that the best care is requisite, and particular precautions crucial, earlier than their elimination may be tried.”
  • Additionally wrote: “For these bones the title Stegoceras validus is proposed with the hope that future discoveries could assist in a clearer understanding of their affinities.”
  • Ryan Schott urged new genus title Foraminacephale in 2011 thesis
  • Formally named by Ryan Schott and David Evans in 2016
  • Genus title means “foramina head” (open holes)
  • 21 specimens discovered, so there’s a development sequence
  • Most specimens discovered had been subadults
  • Development sequence helps present how Foraminacephale is completely different from Stegoceras
  • Younger Stegoceras had a flat dome, however younger Foraminacephale specimens had slight domes. Foraminacephale additionally had much less empty area within the cranium roof, and the edges of the dome had been much less angled and the dome thickened at a slower price than Stegoceras
  • Dome will get taller with age, however probably not wider
  • Histology confirmed the domes additionally turned much less porous with age (much less empty area)
  • Different dinosaurs that lived across the similar time and place embrace ankylosaurs, ceratopsians, hadrosaurs, theropods
  • Different animals that lived across the similar time and place embrace amphibians, crocodilians, lizards, fish, plesiosaurs, mammals

Enjoyable Truth:

Just one dinosaur embryo has been discovered within the jap United States (in Alabama). Amazingly, it was additionally present in a marine sediment.

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