British Tits | Fowl Spot

British Tits | Fowl Spot

The willow tit is a small tit with buff underparts and brown upperparts, with a particular pale panel on the wings. The flanks could generally seem rusty. On the top is a uninteresting, black cap, a white cheek, and a again inverted ‘V’ form on the chin. The invoice is black. Men and women look alike.

It has a deep, buzzing, nasal name and a high-pitched piping music, much like a wooden warbler’s. Willow tits primarily feed in scrub and vegetation beneath bushes trying to find bugs, in addition to berries and seeds.

Willow tits are present in localised areas of England, Wales, and southern Scotland however are in fast decline resulting from lack of appropriate habitat. They are often noticed in woodlands, scrubland, and hedgerows, and can often go to fowl feeders.

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